In "Anonymous George: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Naltrexone"

The hyper-energy will now be a greater 'gift' because, without pain, I will probably be unstoppable. My offspring is appalled. Screams of : "OH NOES! NOT HYPER MOM AGAIN!" followed by a slamming of doors and a hiding in the closets. Oh _ My _ Glods_! Would never have believed it. If it's a 'placebo effect' - then all hail the placebo. Most definitely, it is not placebo. It does work. For those of you who suffer the horrors of R. Arthritis and A.S., get the stuff as fast as you can. For those who also have CFS/ME and FM. Grab it and run, you'll have the energy to do so. Again I thank all who gave me so much support, confidence and intelligent advice. Tomorrow I begin landscaping the garden. :D [end]

Add this. In my 30's I was diagnosed with Adult ADHD. Very hyperactive. Very focused on creative things, hopelessly impractical and inattentive in most other areas. When the CFS/ME and FM hit, the impact was even greater because I was so accustomed to having that abundant energy, despite the R.A. In fact, the ADHD had always helped me to overcome pain and stiffness associated with R.A. Problems associated with practicalities and short-term memory drove me toward the process of ADHD diagnosis. What you can 'get away with' at 20, is a hassle in your 30's. The ADHD medication allowed me to 'prioritize' my attention. I'm noticing a return of that hyper-energy and former (almost obsessive) focus on my creative work, and I'm gabbling away to all who halt near me for more than 20 seconds. My tongue is again running independently of any connection to pre-frontal cortex. My brain works at speeds above neutral, and I remember all those appalling jokes that made all my friends shudder in horror at the words, "I have a joke for you!" [continued]

An update on the Naltrexone. For all those who have been supportive and interested. IT WORKS! Also, for those who have been concerned about legalities, the following will also be very positive ...... Instead of having to purchase the usual prescription, we were able to arrange a small prescription of 10 tablets. End cost (and without having to resort to prevarication), for three months supply is $30. The amount I've been spending on pain medication, and other stuff to help boost energy etc., far exceeded $10 per month. We found a Compounding Pharmacist who was able to split 50ml tablets down to the 4 mls daily dose - known to be effective. After only a few days, pain was only mild discomfort. After nearly 3 weeks at 4mls daily, I have no pain! I have energy. I have leaping about like a wilderbeast in mating season. I have amazement and disbelief. My face aches from huge smile I'm wearing almost all the time. I rush around and clean things - fast - because I can. You can imagine how I'm feeling. Yes! As high as a kite and still rising. [continued]

The 'bodice ripping' sells but despite what anyone may think, most writers don't make a lot of $$'s. Agent fees, publishers percentages and so on eat up a lot. Mostly it works out as an average income. With all the talent here, why not get together and write a Monkey Filter bodice ripper with everyone contributing a chapter. You never know, it might be a huge best seller and make Monkey Filter some $$'s. Don't forget, you do need a plot. : D

I'm amazed and touched by everyone's support. So, for your next bout of nausea, here's a couple words on the 'bodice ripper' writing to give you that little extra heave. Penis words - Start at 'yoni' and work backwards. :D Phrase: "A frisson of shuddering heat left her damp and gasping, limp against his rigid manhood." I mean, you think I'm really likely to ask anyone else to write this shit for me? No way, not going to happen. But thanks for the offer anyway, Roryk. I'm going to hide under the bed now. ~cringes~

In terms of concern over the "fraud issue". I'm told that Naltroxene is presently 'on the list' being considered for Govt' subsidy, and all I would be accepting is a 'pre-emption' of its eventual inclusion on that list. I would still have to accept the 'alcoholic' label for the present moment. I haven't asked yet, whether that can be changed but have an appointment with my GP for next Friday. In 7 days I will be an alcoholic! : D Yes, your wonderful and to-the-point comments have really made a huge difference. As Middleclasstool said; ".. fuck what anyone who gets off on lying about you thinks, blood ties or no." Meredithea's baby's "55" did the trick. Yes baby, ah has had enough and ah aint gonna take no more! xxxxx To Meredithea's baby. And to hell with the malice, mean spirited assholes. What they think is not going to stop me from getting at least some of my life back. "Fuck you, you bastards! Spin on that!" I've managed to cope with it all, and am doing okay. I'm not going to be anyone's victim. Adding this. Yes, I have a long history of medical support. Records to prove the nastiness to totally false. At worst twisted and cruel, at best, crude and stupid. I've wonderful Doctors, family and friends who love me as I love them. I suppose the issue is that, no matter how bad things have been, I can't stop loving even those who have behaved in ways that are beyond my ability to comprehend. The crux of the matter is - because of that, what they say and how they behave still has the power to hurt. It's a real pissoff, is that! ~wry smile~ Thank you all, you are the best. Without question!

Fear of more hurt from relatives has paralyzed my thinking, and the following will describe why this fear still haunts me. It is also an example of the extent malice will direct actions. Some years ago I had a call from the Principal of my child's school - to the effect that two Policemen were at the school and wanted to talk to me. I hot-footed it to the school and was escorted into a room where two men introduced themselves as Detectives from the Child Pornography Investigation Unit. They were investigating a complaint that I was using my child for pornographic purposes and posting her photographs on the internet. I'm aftraid that my instant reaction was a shout of laughter but I sobered very quickly when I realized this was serious. My reaction did make a difference however and they soon realised this was a complaint of malice, especially after talking to my child, who's humilation and embarrassment was obviously extreme. They told me who had made the complain. It was a sibling! You can imagine the effect on my child and on me. They told me that the sibling could be charged with wasting Police time but I replied to the effect that if they did that, I and my child would be dragged into exactly the sort of attention that was being sought, and that neither of us needed to become victim to such malice. This has been my approach throughout some rather nasty stuff. Oscar Wilde's; "Never apologize, never explain!" .. has held me in good stead. : p My circumstances are such that I'm often forced to accept help with shopping, having medications and such like picked up for me, as well as other physical help. The person who does help is a relative and no matter how well-meaning, has no discretion at all. A loveable loon, and the best of people, but a loon nonetheless. (continued ...)

Recently the RA has located to my hands and I can't use a pen very well, so I type. Now that is being effected. Only one person (other than my agent and publisher) knows that I write 'bodice-rippers'. Those dreadful romance novels you want to throw across the room in sheer disgust after reading to the 3rd page. I started doing this as a way of making a little extra income when my child was young as I couldn't work full time. I'm so embarrassed about this, not even my closest friends nor my child knows. Too shame-making, really people! Now the RA is effecting my hands so badly, that source of income will be lost to me. There is NO WAY I could use a voice recording device. The cringe-factor is too extreme. No, no, I refuse to take any advice or accept any revelation to the effect that I do this. I'm only revealing the above on the strict understanding that I will remain anon' on here. Even if you guess who I am, I can still wield a mean broom-handle! Kill, maim, dismember! Remember this! I'm in my 50's and the CFS/ME began in 2000 after a viral infection from which I never really recovered. Then the FM hit me like a rock as well. CFS/ME and FM are co-morbid conditions. Initially all the GPs and Specialists of various kinds could tell me was what it was not, and then only after exhaustive (literally, for me) tests of all kinds. Blood work, X-rays, Ultra Sounds, MRI - you name it, I've gone through it. Finally the diagnosis of CFS/ME and FM was confirmed. I've tried everything since then, including Reiki, Acupuncture, seen a Herbal Medical Practitioner. Taken Chinese decoction of disgusting taste and even worse smell. Seen even more Specialists; again of all kinds, including Endocrinologists, Neurologists, Psychiatrists, Psychologists and specialists in women's medicine (who was the most outrageously expensive of the lot). Tried HGH and the universe knows what-all, to very little effect. The only real relief I've had is from Vitamin B12 shots weekly and various kinds of muscle relaxants and/or hypnotics. (continued ...)

Many thanks to all who have passed on support, thoughts, ideas and different perspectives. You have helped enormously, especially to change my perspective and help me realize it is my fears, rather than realistic outcomes, that have stymied me. Too close to the subject and emotions get in the way of rationale. In answer to some questions. The RA is a continuation of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis I've had since childhood. Early 20's the 'flare-ups' stopped for a while but I had a severe bout of measles mid 20s' that 'triggered' the RA again. Also the onset of AS. Yes, I have had many, many tests, of all kinds. More than I care to count in fact. The AS went into remission in mid 30's (leaving fused discs in lower spine) but RA continued the pattern of flare-ups. Mid 30's I had to use walking sticks to get around but by late 30's flare-ups became less frequent and I had the greatest of enjoyment in throwing the damned sticks in the garbage. I've swallowed more types of garbage medications for RA than you can imagine. The side effects were worse than the pain so eventually decided to throw the lot into the nearest bonfire and stick to aspirin. Latterly that has changed to stronger stuff but still aspirin based. (continued ...)

In "Cupidinous George II"

um, koko, koko, koko, koko and simian xx, simian xx. and the rest of them gomichild, pallas athena, tenaciouspettle, nunia, lara, mothninja, alnedra, mickey, bluehorse, middleclasstool, dxlifer, fishtick, darling kitfisto, medusa, capt renault, chy, tracicle, petes bests, nickdanger, meredithea, abiezer_coppe, rocket88, beeswacky, islander, homunculus, sugramilktea, TUM, sexyrobot, flagpole, layne-lady-layne, storeybored, [mr]chip and koko.

Sending one out to Gomi and her super-snazzy go-go boots. I could pledge my life to keeping them sparkling white and clean.

First business -- Monkey Valentines for members departed, in the hopes that they can be drawn back by the promise of Hot Monkey Lovin'... moneyjane Fes Neddy Others momentarily forgotten, but not unloved Second business -- Monkey Valentines for members male, in the strictest of Platonicity... Quiddy Pleggy Squiddy roryk the Very Multiple Petes Best Northern Exposed Rocket Dreadnought the Tool fuyugare fimbulvetr Third business -- Monkey Valentines for the members fairer, in the hopes of gettin' it AWN rumpy-pumpy-like... Koko Space Kitty Medusa Mothy TUM Lara Mickey livii Nunia, Nunia, Nunia kimberly jb Gomi Gomi's Docs Fourth business -- Monkey Valentines for members superior... #1 Fifth Business -- a novel by Robertson Davies... Kit. Dear, dear kit. Me love you long time -- now come on over, and give Daddy some sugar! And a supernumerary Valentine's for fish tick, whom I have no idea how to sex. But I'm sure I can, given the chance. Oh, please, give me the chance... I swear, it won't be THAT bad!

Mandyman. Too bad if you're not around anymore. You seem just like the intelligent, beautiful woman I've been chasing all my life. Medusa. Hottest monkey around. The Underpants Monster. More fun than pants full of monkeys. Gomichild. Makeup or not, you're beautiful, girl. And to all the rest of witty, hairy, raucous primates on this place. Ah, except Quid, Kit and the Capt. I hate those three stinky apes.

This one goes out to all the lurkers: Roses are red Violets are blue You can see me But I can't see you


Okay, I'll spill the beans. I have a secret simian crush on Capt. Renault. There, I said it! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

Roses are Republicans Violets are Democrats! I hereby proclaim affection For the following Monkeybrats! rocket88 sugarmilktea Abiezer_Coppe HawthorneWingo Skrik Wolof path Pallas Athena Medusa bernockle Mickey Kimberly StoryBored f8xmulder surlyboi Nickdanger islander Flagpole jb

koko (what a coincidence) gomichild mothninja lara pleggers quidders kitfisto-ers pallas athena middleclasstool tracicle medusa jb dreadnought layne alnedra pmdboi TUM capt renault beeswacky space kitty nickdanger roryk xenmate verbminx islander flagpole bluehorse I love you all with equal contempt. Only joking! Or am I?

The biggest crush I've ever had was on daisy_may. She was a fine captivating soul, and left me quite heartbroken in the end. After dealing with the torment, I fell head-over-heels for Doris. To my dismay, she had a problem with the color of my skin. Which leads me to 2007. I'm quite smitten. Please don't disappoint me, nunia. Not to mention: bernockle Medusa homunculus Plegmund Koko Capt. Renault Abiezer_Coppe

LordSludge has a secret admirer. I love that phrase, "secret admirer." Not like I'm picturing him covered in chocolate syrup or anything. Hoo boy. Mmm. Chocolate Sludge ...

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)